And The Song Goes On...And On...And On

There has always been the Song.  It was echoing through the formless void, and it was the Song that called the galaxies into the dance, that drew spheres into relationships we call universes.  The stars could not resist the wooing of the Song, and each responded with a song of its own, making a harmony too beautiful to bear.

It was the Song that pulled order out of chaos and tuned to itself the instruments of each constellation.  The Song was the Light that made the murky clear, the ambiguous specific.  Our own spere we call earth was set in its orbit as the Song breathed the elements and sang them into existence. Gasses and particles and vapors were assigned a purpose, and they became water and clay and atmosphere. The music of the Song drew all things into such an intricate and interwoven masterpiece of order and beauty that its pattern would confound the greatest minds that were to come, for it was the Song that sang those very minds into existence. 

Since creation, down through the ages, each generation has heard and sung that Song to its children.  The Patriarchs sang it.  Hannah and Moses and Joshua sang it.  Deborah and Barak, David and Asaph and Solomon sang it.  The prophets sang it.  Finally, a young woman was visited by an angel who brought the news that the Song that sang galaxies into existence was coming to earth, to her.  And so she sang!

My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior
For He has regarded the lowly estate
 of His maidservant,
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.
For He who is mighty has done great things for me.
And holy is His name.
And His mercy is on those who fear Him
From generation to generation....  (Luke 1:47-55)

And the Song came to sing among us.  Handel heard it and wrote what he heard for symphonies and voices.   Bach and Mendelssohn, Shubert and Vivaldi composed the music of their hearts to the Song.  Charles Wesley, Fanny Crosby, John Ness Beck, Ralph Carmichael, and John Peterson celebrated the Song with their music and words.  Stuart Hamblen and Mosie Lister, Fred Bock and Ronn Huff joined the long parade of writers who gave their hearts and their lives to the music of the Song.  

Now it’s up to us to carry the Song to a new generation and pull our children into the dance.  All heaven and nature sing!  We, too, must sing the Song and let the music fill the air!  Let the Song go on, and on, and on.....

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