Want to Be a Worship Leader?

The Tribe of Levi did not get a portion of the land divided up between the sons of Jacob, but were designated to serve in the temple, making music, leading worship, and guarding the temple. They were dispersed among the other tribes for this calling and these duties, supported by the resources of the those who had land and a source of income. They were to be pure and respected as community leaders.  Could even the music itself be part of the defense of the temple, helping to dispel any spirit that would be opposed to worship and helping to create an atmosphere for entering into the presence of the Most High?

You can imagine, then, the warning from Malachi about the judgement that would come to those trusted with this responsibility, including the priests, who might be dishonest with their support or use their leadership rolls in the community to take political advantage for dishonest personal reasons. Hear this from the prophet:

But who can endure the day of His coming?  And who can stand when He appears?

For He is like a refiner's fire and like launderers' soap...He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the LORD an offering in righteousness. (Malachi 3:2-3)

So we want to be praise and worship leaders? Well, there must be a meltdown first, of pride, of phony professions, of arrogance, and a refining of the soul of us until all the stuff of life--attitudes, possessions, habits, lifestyle--proclaim the glory of the Lord. The scripture from the prophet Malachi goes on to say:

"Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasant to the Lord ... as in former years."

Because of God's distillation, we who lead worshipers to the throne will, through testing, be full of hope and character and perseverance and most of all, full of love that has been poured out by the Holy Spirit. By then, we and the whole congregation will have something to praise about, and pure, true praise will come as result of a dynamic history with God.

Oh, Lord, please make us worthy to lead the hungry-of-heart into your refining presence!