Hope Rising

Thank God for morning!  There is nothing like a sunrise to sing hope to the heart.  No matter how big and insurmountable problems seem in the night, hope rises with the sun!


Thank God for spring!  After the long, cold winter, the days begin to be longer, the creek begins to thaw, and the clouds begin to thin enough to let the rays of the sun shine through.  And even in the rainy season of April, there are more rainbows come spring.

Maybe that is why we love to fly in the winter, too.  As the plane gains altitude through the thick, gray overcastting that has been hovering over the even grayer landscape, the hint of blue begins to show through the last wisps of clouds, and the sun that we had almost forgotten was there bursts through!


Easter is resurrection and hope and awareness of a Life force that has been there all along.  As the old Spiritual says, “Ain’t no grave gonna hold this body down!”  Our awareness may be in “dead mode”, but insistent Life keeps pulling at the seed of the divine that was planted in us from the beginning.  And something—a revelation, a tragedy, an accident, an undeserved kindness—will pierce a passage through the clouds or the night or the frozen shell, and a light, a quickening warmth, will burst through.


Despite the darkness, despite the tomb, despite the obscurity of doubt and pessimism, Life will win!  It always does!  It always does!

As the sun rises, so shall your hope;
As the rain waters, so shall His grace 
Coax from the heart so brittle and closed 
A living green sprout in a once-barren place.

As the sun rises, so shall your hope;
Deep snows of winter cannot chill your faith.
Under the freeze-line the root tendrils grope,
Reaching the strength-giving nourishing place.

From the dry branches blossoms will burst.
Grasses will green the fields and the slopes--
Goodness will come from the darkest and worst;
As the sun rises, so will your hope!

--- “As the Sun Rises” by Gloria Gaither ©
2012 Willowmere Pub.

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